Wednesday 30 January 2013

Interview Questions

Today in Ms Burne's lesson we discussed writing interview questions

Josh Lavaly is my chosen artist that I will be interviewing on Thursday, the following questions I will ask are:
  1. Do you think being from Sierra Leone and growing up in London, has influenced your music? How? 
  2. When did you first find out that you can sing?
  3. It's been said that you sing like a cross between R.Kelly and Neyo. The readers want to know, who inspires you?
  4. What would be your dream collaboration?
  5. Would you ever consider branching out to different entertainment like acting or dancing?
  6. You seem like you’re full of life and exuberance, what keeps you motivated to get up in the morning?
  7. You look very stylish, where do you get your dress sense from and how important is your image when it comes to your artistry?
  8. So all the ladies want to know, are you single?
  9. Do you have anything coming up that people need to know about?

Favourite food:

First CD:

Favourite item of clothing:

Jordans or Pradas:
Snapback or Beanie:
Suited up or a tracky:
Most expensive thing you've bought:
Beyonce or Rihanna:
Favourite Soul singer of all time:

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