Friday 15 February 2013

Interview Answers

I've done the interview for my magazine with Josh over my HTC Desire mobile device. I recorded it on my phone and also on my laptop on a programme named audicity.
The Questions and answers are as follow.

Do you think being from Sierra Leone and growing up in London, has influenced your music? How? 
Yes a lot because I’ve been brought up here all my life, but I've still got that African heritage side to me which can explore the afro beat section. There are many different genres of music that England has to offer, I’ve adapted all of that, so essentially it ranges but I would do more western music, more British music.

When did you first find out that you can sing?
Erm, my first memory was when I was in year 3, like 7 or 8 in a school play and I got a pretty big role, when I sung all the teachers were crying, I had parents crying and coming over, telling my mum how great I was and it all started from there.

Do you sing in the church as well?
Yes, I've been in the church all my life.

It's been said that you sing like a cross between R.Kelly and Ne-Yo. The readers want to know, who inspires you?
R.Kelly because I grew up listening to him from childhood, he is one of my influences.
Are there any other people?
Tyrese, loads of people tell me I look like Tyrese (laughs) but also people like Marvin Sapp, Fred Hammond, I'm more inspired by these people because I believe that I'm more soul than R'n'B.

What would be your dream collaboration?
Erm Wow that’s a hard one, there’s so many people but if I could it would have to be Richard Addams

Would you ever consider branching out to different entertainment like acting or dancing?
No, It’s all about the singing for me right now, but I can dance, I wouldn’t do it for a career but I'll always have a go at something.

You seem like you’re full of life and exuberance, what keeps you motivated to get up in the morning?
The fact that I'm still alive, the amount of things I’ve been through, just living another day is enough for me to be thankful and make the most out of things like staying out of trouble, me having another chance is enough to try and meet the force of my beliefs.

You look very stylish [I try, I try], where do you get your dress sense from and how important is your image when it comes to your artistry?
I have an older sister, back in the day she used to pick out the stuff I wore, she styled me, her style was classy, and I got that bit from her. My image is everything; I think that’s one of the major things that can make or break you so I have to always look on point.

So all the ladies want to know, are you single?
Am I single? No I'm taken, for like three months now.

Tell me something you've never told someone before?
I'm not really a secretive person; I'm pretty much an open book.

What is one thing people don’t know about you that they should?
Erm, nothing really what you see is what you get with me really.

Do you play any instruments?
Yeah, I play the drums, I try to play the piano, I have a guitar and I try to play around with it. I also have a violin but I don’t play it.

Are any of your family musical, or is it just you?
Everyone in my household is musical my mum and dad were in a choir, my sister sings and my little brother tries to sing. [Laughs] So everyone’s musical in my house.

What are a few things do you want to achieve by the end of this year?
I want to get my provisional done, I need to make an EP/Mix tape, and I want to finish college.
This year I'm travelling with my church, they made an album and a couple of us would be going to Ghana for a concert out there and I would also be going to the Caribbean, and America as a backup artist for a gospel artist.

What do you think about the music industry right now?
The music industry is a bit mad because everyone wants to be a singer these days but its all about marketing because they look at what they can get out of you and are looking for money. The music industry now is a different and difficult game but if you follow through, you might not get to the stage that you want, but if music is is what you want and performing, you don't have to be the most famous person to be a performer, because if music is what you do, people hearing your music alone would be enough for you to feel happy, that’s your job done. In terms of being famous and being on T.V shows, I don’t really want to go down that road.

Do you have anything coming up that people need to know about?
I’m in a concert called confused in April; live gospel concert in Holston and you can find me on twitter at and on Facebook for more details

What’s the most embarrassing thing that’s happened to you?
I was at my cousins 18th birthday when I was 15 and I tried to dance with one of her friends, everyone was watching me and I got turned down.

What separates you from other musicians in the industry?
I've got a bit of everything; I’ve got a bit of jazz, soul, gospel, R’n’B I can switch it up anytime. A couple artists only stick to one genre of music, I can change it up if I wanted to, I bring something different to the table, I’m unpredictable.

What is your dream?
My dream is to be a legend, when I’m gone I want people to remember my name, my music and what I stood for.

Thank you for coming

Thank you for having me.

Favourite food: Chinese
First CD: Craig David
Favourite CD: Chris Brown; Fame
Favourite item of clothing: Pumas
Jordans or Pradas: Jordans
Snapback or Beanie: Snapback
Suited up or a tracky: Suited up because I'm a big boy now
Most expensive thing you've bought: True religion jeans
Beyonce or Rihanna: Beyonce
Favourite Soul singer of all time: Marvin Sapp

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