Sunday 30 December 2012

The beginning of my holiday work

Over the Christmas break, I have found two music magazines in WH Smiths. They both differ in genre and style. I have choosen to analyse these two, as it will give me a variety of ideas when it comes to making my music magazine. Sent from my HTC

Sunday 23 December 2012

This is a repost of my previous post. Analysing classic rock magazine front cover - media1 Having the badge speaking about something to do with the magazine is a good idea. Something I may use in my own magazine. contents page - media1 I am going to make sure that my magazine has a website on it like this as I think its a good and easy way of advertising the magazine more. double page spread - media1 I am also going to make sure that my magazine has a logo on all of the pages so it's uniform and keeps the colour scheme.

Monday 17 December 2012

Analysing a music magazine - Genre - Rock

For my homework I analysed 'Classic Rock' magazine. When doing this I noticed things that I would like to add in my magazine, like having a website link at the bottom of the pages inside. I uploaded my findings to Flickr.